01 May 2008

When is the truth "Bad News"!

Follow this link to the article my son-in-law and I found interesting - but probably for different reasons.


as I said to him....

I find the guy's statement quite perplexing - I quote: "...if we discovered traces of some simple, extinct life-form (on Mars)--some bacteria, some algae--it would be bad news. If we found fossils of something more advanced, perhaps something that looked like the remnants of a trilobite or even the skeleton of a small mammal, it
would be very bad news. The more complex the life-form we found, the more depressing the news would be. I would find it interesting, certainly--but a bad omen for the future of the human race"

My question is "How is it bad news and a bad omen?" If it proves to be true - that there is or has been life on Mars - then folks with a deeper commitment to Creationism than me will be thrown into turmoil for a time, and will need to adjust their belief system to encompass and explain the new discoveries. It would make it difficult for them
to maintain and promote a Creationist view point under such circumstances. And the evolutionist would give them heaps!

Does he pray like this, do you think:

"God, on the off chance that there is evidence of life on Mars, please don't let anybody find it. Hide it from them!! You know such a discovery would make it so hard to defend our Creationist position and all those evolutionists would laugh your people to scorn. And where, O Father is the honour for you in that!? Enough people doubt your existence as it is and winning souls for your kingdom is hard enough as it is. And I'm so scared I might lose my faith in you. So please God.....! Amen"

When is the truth ever bad news? If its true, then its true and would only be bad news to us if our Christian faith really is some kind of fairytale as the evolutionistic atheistic materialists like to tell us it is. Sounds like the guy wants to make like an ostrich and stick his head in the sand instead of facing up with courage and integrity, and taking it squarely on the chin.

Of course it may never become an issue. The planet may be as dead as our Creationist brethren hope it is and Planet Earth will get to hold on to its unique status in the universe as the only place God gifted with life.

What do you think?

If I mount a mission to Mars in the next couple of months, who wants to come with me. I think we should settle this ASAP and put our Christian brothers and sisters out of their misery once and for all. Amen?

Thanks Donald, but the spaceship might be a bit cramped for a tall guy like you and not good for your back. Volunteer some short people.

the ever intrepid, adventuring and courageous Richard - God's man in Outer Space!!

1 comment:

Bevan Collins said...

I was actually reading that on my phone when I sent you the link. Here is the original:
I think that his argument is that if there is life found on Mars, this would indicate that life is actually quite common in the universe. If so, the author of this article reasons that we haven't found any extra-terrestrial intelligent life because there is a "probability gap" that prevents a civilisation from becoming a space faring race and that he fears that this gap is in our future.