14 February 2010

Taking Something Back

Hi Folks,

Thought I should take back the idea (from my previous post)that evangelical writers don't think long enough or deeply enough etc. I'm sure that many do think long and deeply. Philip Yancey's "What's So Amazing about Grace" for instance was a deeply thought out book and I have carried much of it, its words and its spirit, with me on my journey since I read and explored it with others of my parish, during a Lenten study a few years ago.

I do think though that no one book is the final word on its chosen subject (unless it was written by Tom Wright - only kidding). And we do arrive at the books we read with a particular set of filters (blinkers)on, either seeing in them what we want to see, so that they bolster/shore up our comfy little theological position, or have us say 'that's so typical of his kind of Christian - has he never read any...?(insert your favorite theologian/writer here).

I guess I have my own perculiar set of filters/blinkers. I like to pretend (rightly or wrongly) that I'm closer to the truth of things than some others in my wider world and maybe some day when its healthy for my ego and healthy for you too, then I will be. Until then I remain just another pilgrim looking for a meal, a soul to share it with and a few tales over the table, and when the eating and the story-telling are done, a place to sleep and a chance to wake refreshed for another day on the road.

God bless all such pilgrims cos its a long and winding road, but don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better,


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