24 October 2008

Fr. Prebble' Memorial and the St Paul's Singers Reunion

This post is for a few of you out there who want to know how the memorial service for Father Ken Prebble was, especially as it morphed into a St Paul’s Singers reunion. It didn’t so much morph really, but it was one of the very special aspects of a very lovely day.

Sue and I stayed with John on the Friday and Saturday nights and Christine Alan-Johns came over on the Friday night. We got to run through the songs (“Arise My Love”, “Brother Sister…”, and the “Our Father”) but we made lots of time to talk and catch up with Chris and she with us.

We all were at the cathedral pretty much 2 hours before the service and there were hugs all round as you would imagine. We finally got to rehearse and we made a great sound despite the many years gone by and the fact that some of us hadn’t done a lot of singing recently. It was especially nice to have Patsy on board. She and Sue made a duet of the opening verse of “Arise My Love” and everyone was in on the refrain. I added a tenor line in a later verse (or was it 2 – I forget!). We seem to feel we sang better in the rehearsal than in the service.

The service was a simple one of hymns, prayers and eulogies. I particularly enjoyed Michael Hurst’s humorous telling of Father P’s entry into acting after he’d retired from the ministry. There were eulogies too from the family including grandson Toby and one from Mark Beale.

The congregation joined us in “Brother, Sister...” and in the “Our Father” which concluded Bishop John’s prayers.

There were not as many of the old St Paulites as I imagined would be there. And there were quite a few in the congregation who seemed not to make it to the ‘refreshments’ after the service. I did spot the Brays in the service for instance, but never got to speak to them. The Bernards and the Aitkens were there, as was Joan Hurst. Richard Terezopolis (I’m guessing at the spelling, though a Google search on this spelling confirms it is valid) was there as was Father Terry and Alison Molloy. Some of you may remember Rev Ray Muller and his wife Elaine from those heady days at the Massey Summer Schools (if not from more recent encounters) – they were there. And of course there were that great tribe called Prebble led by their matriarch, Mary. Edward ended up singing with us. I chatted with his wife Sherrell and also with John Kite. The more I write the more I remember.

After the refreshments some of us attended the ‘scattering’ of Father Prebble’s ashes in the top garden at St Paul’s (there was a wee hole dug) – a ceremony led by Edward at which we sang ‘Come Go With Me to that Land”. A plaque is planned to mark the spot and commemorate the man.

After that, we Singers retired to Jenny and Graham Lawrey’s country estate for more singing, reminiscing and for food and wine. Graham and Jenny were as ever, a gracious host and hostess. Kim King (Miller) was to have sung with us but didn’t arrive in time to rehearse, came with husband Ken to Jen and Graham’s. Sadly Patsy and Peter, and Grae Thorne and Annie Tindall had other commitments and couldn’t be there.

I did sing a verse of Dylan’s “Mr. Tambourine Man” for you, Keri, to ensure you were with us in spirit at least - one of those songs we used to sing at your piano all those years ago before the St Paul's Singer were even a twinkle in John Smiths eye.

All in all it was a good fun day and I’m sure all who made it were glad they did. As for you who didn’t – maybe next time!

In closing I would like to remember Doreen Taylor who was not able to be there and has since died. We love you, Doreen and are sad to see you go. We will see you in due course, no doubt, at God,s great Festival of Friends.

God bless us all, everyone…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please let me know if this is the Doreen Talor who lived at 36 Haslett St. Eden Terrace, Auckland and if so, any info about her passing ans surviving family, her brother and his family.

Thank you,
Russell Isaacs